Arbizal API Guide

Welcome to the official Arbizal API Guide. The Arbizal API is a comprehensive solution designed to facilitate the efficient transformation of diverse healthcare data into the standardized Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) format. Our API caters to a broad spectrum of raw healthcare data ensuring your data transformation is both effective and compliant.

API Methodology & Overview Copied!

At its core, the Arbizal API revolves around two key workflows:

  1. Building a New Data Pipeline : Use the build-fhir-pipeline endpoint to set up a new data transformation pipeline using sample data.

  2. Transforming Data to FHIR Resources : With the transform endpoint, convert your raw data into a structured list of FHIR resources, ready for use in your applications.

Key Features Copied!

  • Rapid Pipeline Creation : Our build pipeline process is fully automated, capable of generating comprehensive data transformation pipelines in under 30 minutes.

  • We don’t store PHI : For building high-quality pipelines, personal health information (PHI) isn't necessary. In fact, we prefer that you use dummy data or simply outline the expected data types. While we're HIPAA compliant for your peace of mind, our systems are designed to work best without handling sensitive information. Transformations occur in a transient instance, meaning we never store protected information.

  • Seamless Updates with "Replace" : The "replace" function allows for easy, in-place updates to your pipeline to accommodate new data structures or requirements, all without the need to tweak your existing code.

  • Custom Field Requirements : Dictate which fields are essential for your output resources. FHIR validations can sometimes fall short of practical use standards. With Arbizal, you can set your own validation rules, ensuring reliability and confidence in your data processing.

  • Custom Extension Support : Arbizal offers support for custom extensions within FHIR resources. If you have specific data mappings in mind, just let us know. We handle the complexity, so you don't have to.

  • Selective Resource Generation : Tailor the output to meet your exact needs by specifying which FHIR resources you require. Whether you're focused solely on generating an Encounter resource or need a comprehensive set of resources, Arbizal adapts to your requirements. By default, we prepare for a broad transformation, but we're all about customization.